Wise Old Owl
Wise Old Owl

Welcome to Educating Owl

Owls have excellent vision. They see well at night, are strong hunters, and they can make a 3-D map of their prey's location. Owls come in many different sizes and shapes. In Native American culture, an owl is believed to be a positive messenger from the next world. In Greek mythology, the little owl sits on Athena's shoulder as a symbol of wisdom. (birdfact.com)

Antwerp Train Station
Antwerp Train Station

This site is dedicated to reading, writing, traveling, and education. Why these four domains? I believe that the more you read, write, and travel the better educated you become. That is why I am tutoring students to be better readers and writers. I want students to be able to grow in confidence in any environment.  Individualized instruction provides a solid foundation for comprehension as well as higher-level thinking. Individualized instruction can grow a student’s ability to learn, expand their thinking, and help them accomplish academic goals.

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